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Infant Massage WINC
Continuing Education for Health Professionals
newborn & infant massage + environment-touch-communication
Online Payment for Class Registration > CIMI-2 Alumni Special Pricing
CIMI-2 Alumni Special Pricing
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Orig. Price: $770.00
Sale Price: $370.00
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: CIMI-2alumni

Certified Infant Massage Instructor, CIMI Level 2

This choice will include your Certification, color manual

Separately: CEH certificate ($35 optional).

Class $495 $195 (reg. $595) (limited class dates available)

Color Manual $175 (English or Spanish)

You are registering for an Infant Massage WINC Class. By completing this order form it is acknowledged that there are no refunds under any circumstances, if unable to attend selected class I will be able to reschedule to any available WINC™ class of my choosing. Classes may be subject to rescheduling. Also, the above-fees do not include expenses to complete the training including, without limitation, food, travel and lodging.

No Refunds, you may reschedule for a future class.

Demonstration Doll: You are required to bring a demonstration doll at least 20" (hard limbs, open hands, soft body) that you will be using to teach your Parent/Baby Classes. Any brand of doll as long as it meets the stated requirements, you may purchase at any local toy department or online through Amazon at this link

The following links are suggestions only, you may purchase your doll anyplace that you wish, these are provided for your convenience.
JC Toys ‘Lots to Cuddle Babies’ 20-Inch Soft Body, by Berenguer
JC Toys, 'La Baby' 20-inch Soft Body, by Berenguer
Once you are on the website you can choose from many different dolls.
USA Amazon for searching - www.amazon.com
Canada Amazon for searching  www.amazon.ca
This is the link for the doll that Andrea uses that can be ordered from England and is made specifically for massage demonstration, approximately $85 USD plus shipping, Please allow for extra delivery time. Suggested doll is 60 cm and non- or semi-weighted.
Infant Massage WINC trains and certifies Certified Infant Massage Instructors, CIMIs®who in turn teach parents and primary caregivers to massage their babies. We teach our instructors to demonstrate on a doll so that parents are involved in the bonding process, there is no hands-on massage from the instructor.


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New classes available throughout the United States and Internationally, 805-223-3588. 

No refunds including renewals, teaching tools, or classes - student may reschedule for another class.

Infant Massage WINC
World Institute for Nurturing Communication
                 d/b/a for International Association of Infant Massage, IAIM®              
IAIM®, IAIMI®, and CIMI® are registered trademarks of International Association of Infant Massage.
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